Interview of James John Britto R – CA Final Topper Nov 2015
James John Britto R – Chennai – First Rank- CA Final Nov 2015 Q. How does it feel to be at the top? Ans. It feels wonderful to be at the top. It was a pleasant surprise for me and my parents, when the President and the Vice President of ICAI called to convey the results. It was surreal and it took us some time for the feeling to sink in. Th e smile on my parents face was worthy of all the toil and sacrifices. Q. According to you, what are the intrinsic and external factors contributing to your outstanding success in the final exam. Ans. Given the limited time of four months of study leave that I got for my preparations, the biggest challenge before me was completing the syllabus on time. What helped me the most was the detailed plan that I had laid down during the fi rst week of study leave. Th ereon, I just stuck to my plan. Being determined and confi dent helped me succeed. Th e guidance of my parents, teacher and seniors played a crucial role in accomplishing this feat. Subjects like law, auditing and taxation were made easy, thanks to my rich article-ship experience. In a nutshell, meticulous planning and hard work made it all possible. Q. What strategy/study plan did you follow while preparing for the exam? Ans. I stuck to one subject at a time, primarily because that is how I have always studied. It gave me the advantage of solving a few past exam question papers once I was done with my fi rst reading. I had planned such that I did a theory subject, followed by a practical subject so that I did not feel overburdened. I spent around 10 hours on an average every day and at the same time I ensured that I did not compromise on sleep. Th e 24 hours before the exam was crucial and I had decided in advance the chapters/ areas that I wanted to revise. I ensured that I had adequate writing practice by solving past exam papers and attending mock tests. Q. How have been the inputs provided by the Institute contributed to your success in the examinations? Ans. Th e Institute publications were instrumental in my success. I read the Practice Manual, RTP, Mock Test Papers and Suggested answers (last 3 attempts) for all the subjects. I also used the study material for certain subjects. During article-ship, I used to listen to the podcasts available on BOS knowledge portal while I was travelling. Solving practice manual and RTP problems made me exam ready and shed the apprehensions I had about exams. Q. What are your aspirations for the future? Do you have any specific career choice? Ans. Th ere are many options that are available in front of me and I’m in the process of evaluating them. I would like to take guidance from credible people, evaluate the options at hand and choose what is best.
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Q. Do you think the Chartered Accountancy Course is the gateway to achieving professional excellence? Ans. Chartered Accountancy Course has a unique combination of practical and theoretical knowledge. The article-ship experience is an added advantage which exposes students to various areas of auditing, accounting and taxation and gives hands on experience. Today, fi nance has become an indispensable part of any organisation. Th e course prepares us to face the challenges and aides one to achieve professional excellence. Q. How would you motivate the youngsters joining this course? Ans. CA is not a “come again” course. Students should be determined and confi dent. Everyone should aspire to get a rank. Getting a rank not only gives you recognition and appreciation, but gives you a sense of accomplishment that make you believe in your abilities and capabilities and motivates you to aim high. Your efforts will always be rewarded